On Thu, 15 May 2003 07:17, Matthias Urlichs wrote:
> "Hello. My spam protection system is unsure about your message. Since
> you're reading this, your email isn't spam ;-) -- please either sign your
> emails to me, or send a short confirmation to the address <my name>-abqux
> at <domain> so that and your mails will be whitelisted.
> Sorry about this, but there's no other way."
> I fail to see how a text like that can be called obnoxious, but that's
> just me.

Your system is not quite as bad, but it is still bad and should not be used in 
forums such as this one.

One of the many problems inherant in such systems is that they encourage false 
headers in spam.  If a spammer notices that you are involved in a dialogue on 
a mailing list with another person then they can expect that your anti-spam 
system is configured to accept mail from them, so they will be likely to put 
that person's email address in the from field of their spam.

So the end result if such things become popular is that spam will be more 

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