On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 10:10:28PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> * Francesco Paolo Lovergine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030522 21:35]:
> > Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
> > Do it using BTS directly.
> The developers references tells that both methods are allowed in 5.11.4
> http://www.debian.de/doc/developers-reference/ch-pkgs.en.html#s-ack-nmu
> I for myself prefer the changelog entry because it shows direct which
> bugs are closed by the maintainer.

There's another interesting approach: use 'dpkg-buildpackage -v<last
version you uploaded>'. That way you don't even need to include another
changelog entry, but the generated .changes will include a Closes: line
for all the NMU-fixed bugs.

Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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