On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 11:11:13 +0200
Sebastian Rittau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 05:36:22PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:
> > General
> >     Debian
> >         1 project
> >        10 architectures
> >       100 countries
> >      1000 maintainers
> >     10000 packages
> >    100000 bug fixed
> >   1000000 million users
> >  10000000 installations
> I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
> than users?

I'm a single Debian "user", and I maintain about a dozen Debian boxen.
(And when I say "maintain", I mean they do various things for me, the
sysadmin, and I'm the closest thing to a user for them that exists.) So
the 10:1 ratio is approximately accurate, at least here. It's a common
demographic for Debian I believe.

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