On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 09:44:06PM -0400, James Michael Greenhalgh wrote:
> > > >   1000000 million users
> > > >  10000000 installations
> > >
> > > I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations
> > > than users?
> >
> > actually they are million users :)
> >
> Is it me or has the debate over whether there are more installations or users 
> resulted in your post/point being lost.  1000000 million users = 
> 1000000000000 users - it should just be 1000000 users?

Since there are roughly 3000000000 people on the planet, 1000000000000
users must mean debian is the first interplanetary operating system.

Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  prepBut nI vrbLike adjHungarian! qWhat's artThe adjBig nProblem?
          -- alec flett @netscape

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