> Package: spip
> Version: 1.6.0-2
> Severity: normal
> The prerm script blindly deletes the following directories and all
> subdirectories:
>    /var/cache/spip
>    /usr/share/spip/ecrire/upload
>    /usr/share/spip/ecrire/data
> There is no guarantee that the files in these directories belong only to
> this package.  While it is quite likely that they will, it can not be
> guaranteed and care should be taken on package removal to not remove any
> files that are not owned solely by the package.

All right. I understand the problem. But the directories removed by the
postrm/purge are normaly only used :
- by user, to upload datas related to his spip installation,
- by spip himself, to store cache informations,
- by spip himself, for log or backups.

So, I cannot have any informations on who and why there are files in
tese directories. I just cannot imagine why people wuold store files not
related to spip here.

(notice that i only delete these files on a purge operation).

Pianiste condamné à trois mois de prison, cherche musicien pour
l'accompagner au violon.

Gaétan RYCKEBOER                                  Société Virtual-Net
[Tous textes et propos tenus dans ce couriel sont sous license DMDZZ]

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