On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 01:45:09PM +0200, Gaetan Ryckeboer wrote:
> > Package: spip
> > Version: 1.6.0-2
> > Severity: normal
> > 
> > The prerm script blindly deletes the following directories and all
> > subdirectories:
> > 
> >    /var/cache/spip
> >    /usr/share/spip/ecrire/upload
> >    /usr/share/spip/ecrire/data
> > 
> > There is no guarantee that the files in these directories belong
> > only to this package.  While it is quite likely that they will, it
> > can not be guaranteed and care should be taken on package removal to
> > not remove any files that are not owned solely by the package.
> All right. I understand the problem. But the directories removed by
> the postrm/purge are normaly only used :
> - by user, to upload datas related to his spip installation,

Is this uploaded data recorded anywhere?  In the MySQL database perhaps?
If so, the file names can be retrieved from there for removal on purge.

Additionally, you may upset users by simply deleting their uploaded
files on purge.  Some may see this as deletion of user data, which
should not be done.

> - by spip himself, to store cache informations,

Are the file names predictable in any way?  If so, you can look for
files fitting the pattern.

> - by spip himself, for log or backups.

The file names of the logs or backups should be predictable, right?

As someone else has already pointed out, /usr/share should be capable of
being made read-only.  Any runtime changing data for an application
should be under /var/lib.  For more information the following link may

Jamin W. Collins

This is the typical unix way of doing things: you string together lots
of very specific tools to accomplish larger tasks. -- Vineet Kumar

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