On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 20:16:21 +0200, horrorvacui  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> I don't. He certainly has a point, and I wanted to post a message
> about this, only he was faster. I recently installed debian for a
> friend, installed alsa and was completely helpless as to where to
> obtain them. I tried looking for alsa-modules, or kernel source for
> the stock kernel so I could compile them myself... This kind of
> trouble isn't something I'm used to, since I always replace the
> stock kernels with my own (accepting to deal with troubles that
> might result), but since the chap was a complete newbie, I wanted to
> give him a standard system. I failed, he has a standard kernel, but
> no sound. Now, since you say the package's name is kernel-headers,
> it'd go allright, but I (quite an experienced GNU/Linux user, but
> only using Debian for about half a year) didn't manage to find that
> out. <justification> The most trouble you get when you're convinced
> you know what you're doing, and don't RTFM as you should - I knew
> that I can compile kernel modules because I have the kernel source,
> so it didn't occur to me that the package might contain the headers
> only.
>> /justification>

> This is my view: the kernel headers and the configuration used when
> compiling a stock kernel are to be viewed as an *integral part of
> that kernel*. The headers should be installed by default, 

        Heh. You are describing how things used to be, with the
 kernel-headers always installed by kerel-image, and the symlink kept
 in place. Looking at the CVS, you could have any number of headers or
 sources in place, and the /usr/src/linux symlink was kept pointing to
 the latest version, as determined by the most recent kernel-image

        Of course, it all used to fall apart for user who had multiple
 kernels installed, and woh used to swithc in between, people who had
 limited amount of space in /usr, and people who wanted to compile for
 a different machine than the current one. 

        The current behaviour was introduced to allow for increased

"If anything can go wrong, it will." Edsel Murphy
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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