Manuel Bilderbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After having worked with Debian testing for about 2 years, I'm getting
> fed up with the seemingly unnecessarily complicated way of building
> kernel modules for the stock kernels.

> 1) install the kernel source for the kernel,
>    e.g. kernel-source-2.4.21

Since you're singling out lm-sensors here, I can tell you that
lm-sensors-source does build fine against the correct kernel-headers
package; the "normal" binary package build-depends on a kernel-build
package to get all of the kernel-headers, and uses those without any
particular magic.

> 5) apt-get install [modulename-source] (sometimes -src),
> e.g. lm-sensors-source.
> 6) this should give [modulename].tar.gz in /usr/src; extract it: tar
> xzvf [modulename].tar.gz
> now, the source is in /usr/src/modules/[modulename]

At this point, I think what I would tell you to do is (untested):

  cd $MODULE_LOC/$modulename
  debian/rules kdist-image KDREV=2.4.21-4 KVERS=2.4.21-4-k7 \
    KSRC=/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.4.21-4-k7 \
    APPEND_TO_VERSION=-4-k7 ROOT_CMD=fakeroot

which will produce the binary package you're looking for in /usr/src.
This is just using the interface required by kernel-package.

> 9) install the just built package(s) with dpkg -i [package_name]
> now the kernel modules should be in the right dir in /lib/modules and
> modprobe (or modconf) can find them.

> - If you have just installed a new kernel-image package (i.e. a new
> stock kernel), you need to do everything from the start *after*
> booting this new kernel

You shouldn't need to.  (Though you go through a little more effort to
get the right .config file.)

> - In my experience, if you forget the export of step 7, you have to
> wipe your whole kernel source tree and start at step 2. I know I'm
> supposed to do a make-kpgk modules clean, but that didn't do the
> trick;

'rm -rf /usr/src/modules' is often quite theraputic for odd problems
like this.  Screwing up --append-to-version using kernel-package has
kind of unfortunate side effects for recovering.  :-/

> People, stock kernels are very comfortable, but building modules for
> them is not! Please tell me what I did wrong, or make the procedure a
> lot easier! (The latter especially applies to the maintainers of that
> NVIDIA package...)
> Luckily, David Z. Maze has the lm-sensors as binary package in
> unstable nowadays... :) (Although not yet for 2.4.21...)

In some ways, doing this feels a lot like a very slow game of
Whack-A-Mole.  The process goes something like this:

(1) Notice that Debian kernel 2.4.21-1 exists.
(2) Install kernel-build-2.4.21-1.  Change debian/rules to reference
    the right kernel.
(3) Actually rebuild the package.  This winds up taking quite a long
    time for me, particularly since there are seven different kernel
    flavors and I'm foolishly doing the build over AFS over a cable
    modem.  (Should probably fix that.  :-)
(4) Upload.
(5) Wait for ftpmaster, since these are all new packages.
(6) Notice that Debian kernel 2.4.21-2 exists.
(7) ftpmaster accepts lm-sensors-2.4.21-1-*, which depend on
    kernel-image-2.4.21-1-*, which is no longer in the repository.
(8) Go to 2.

It's also a bit frustrating to look at cross-platform compatability,
and realize that the magic to get things built is just going to be
different on each platform, since the platform-specific kernel
packages are all different.  Plus getting stock kernel modules built
is presently entirely in the hands of the module maintainers, and the
glue code in debian/rules to actually do that is kind of groady.

I suspect for unstable, there's just not a lot to be done.  For sarge,
we should probably pick a kernel and a kernel ABI (or sets thereof)
and not change it, so that packages that provide prebuilt kernel
modules can do that more reasonably.

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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