Chris de Vidal wrote: > Volunteers needed! >
I guess you haven't read Benchmarking Debian's Performance. Indranath Neogy tried to [35]discover what kind of gains the source based nature of Gentoo might give it over Debian and Mandrake. The tests included timing how long it took to open a large sheet in Gnumeric, how long to compile the Linux kernel and how long to perform various operations in GIMP. Gentoo was expected to lead in the tests, but the results showed no significant variation between the distributions. Simple recompiling doesn't seem to speed things up, fine grained tuning may. 35. before assuming that recompiling everything will benefit *anything*? Apart from that, you'd better help fix those FTBFS bugs and see that the source packages are conforming with the current policy, contain enough build-deps and -conflicts and that sbuild, pbuilder and whatever are able to rebuild the package to your need. After that, it's a "simple" dpkg --get-selections|grep install|cut -d' ' -f1| while read p; do $rebuild-command $p; done[1]. Btw. it's "author" and not "auther". Regards, Joey [1] Not exactly, but in general... -- WARNING: Do not execute! This software violates patent EP0394160. echo -ne PROGRESSBAR\\r;for i in `seq 11`;do sleep 1;echo -n -;done;echo Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.