On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 02:23:40PM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
> So I do not agree that "Contrib is a ok place for installers". While
> basically these installer are free software, it's a little bit
> hypocritical to claim that these package contains free software.

From the policy :

Examples of packages which would be included in contrib or
non-US/contrib are:

    * free packages which require contrib, non-free packages or packages
    which are not in our archive at all for compilation or execution, and
    * wrapper packages or other sorts of free accessories for non-free

In other words you do not agree with the Debian policy. It's quite
amazing since according to :


You passed the Philosophy and Procedure. 

> Finally, someone who install the contrib flashplugin-nonfree get on
> his computer a non-free software, possibly without even noticing it,
> because he never seen a dependancy against a package in non-free. 

This is the aim of contrib. In that case do not add contrib in your 
sources.lists and apt-get install vrms !

                                Pierre Machard
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                 http://debian.org
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