
[Sun, 28 Sep 2003] Daniel J. Priem wrote:
> build_rootfs.sh  clientarch=i386/mips/ppc xservers=all/svga/vga16  
> from=f.d.o  saveconf=/etc/ltsp/rootfs.conf
> on secupdates we update ltsp-core

This seems unnecessary and won't work as desired. If ltsp is in stable
you cannot ask for a security update of ltsp-core everytime a security
advisory for busybox or xfree86 happens. So people will have to update
their rootfs manually anyway.

> in postinst.ex have something like 

The local admin should realize that his reaction to a security advisory
should not only be "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" but also:

> build_rootfs.sh readconf /etc/ltsp/rootfs.conf --update rootfs 

That should be sufficient. That should be put into README.Debian.

> wich then will do nothing other then looking for newer debs download
> them unpack them to the rootfs.

Nice. Well done. Are you in contact with the skolelinux people? LTSP is
something really useful for a school (it was for mine).


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