On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 07:42:27 -0500, spender  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> Go ahead and do it.  I could frankly care less if your users get
> owned.  

> There's another exploitable bug in Exec-shield that I've known of
> for months.  Maybe you'll find it after you put it into Debian.
> Maybe not.  This is what happens when you make rush judgements and
> choose to use something based solely on who developed it.  

> I've read the post regarding grsecurity and Debian, and I must say
> that I've never seen a bigger bunch of lazy whiners in my life.
> Maybe if you actually put a kernel hacker in charge of these
> patches, you'd realize you have been whining for months for no
> reason.  Did you ever think that putting someone in charge who can
> code in C might help?  

        Hmm. Comparing the above rants to the emails from Russell
 Coker and Ted Ts'o, I would not lend any credence to whatever the
 poster is  saying.  Such an abysmal lack of judgement in one area
 leads one to doubt that good judgement can be exercised by him.

He who has transcended the treacherous mire of samsara and ignorance,
who has crossed over, reached the other shore, meditating, motionless
of mind, free from uncertainty, and who is at peace by not clinging to
anything - that is what I call a brahmin. 414
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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