On Tue, 4 Nov 2003 21:29, cobaco wrote:
> > The exec-shield patch applies with the Debian patches and with LSM.  I am
> > prepared to maintain it.  Unless someone volunteers to maintain PaX
> > support for Debian kernels then the best available option for Debian
> > users will be exec-shield.
> hm, the adamantix guys use PaX, maybe they ought to be pinged about this?

Peter Busser is THE Adamantix guy.  I have suggested to him that he maintain 
such packages in Debian, but he does not seem interested.

> > I want the users to have as many choices as possible.
> adamantix also uses RSBAC if I'm not mistaken

Yes.  I made some RSBAC kernel-patch packages for Debian once, but never 
uploaded them because no-one was interested in helping to test them.  When 
no-one wants to test a package you have to assume that there is not much 
interest in using it either...

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