Scripsit Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> He could have posted his ITP sooner, too (unless in the unlikely event
> he actually made the package in a few minutes), but it's not such a big deal.

Another possibility is that one only actually decides that one is
willing to maintain the package in Debian after having *done* a
workable first approximation to packaging and found no monsters
lurking in the makefiles.

Posting an ITP for software that one does not yet *intend* to maintain
but is only considering to maintain would be dishonest, I think.

I wonder whether "Duck" would have been happier if the DD in question
had written "I'll do that!" to the bug instead of "I have uploaded
that" and then artificially waited a couple of days until uploading.
I can hardly imagine that anyone would benefit from such a behavior.

Henning Makholm        "*Dansk Folkeparti*, nazistisk orienteret dansk parti
                1941-1945, grundlagt af Svend E. Johansen og Th.M. Andersen"

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