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Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think you are placing too much emphasis on the ITP and the WNPP
> system. I think it has a useful place in avoiding (some) duplicate work,
> searching for new owners for packagers etc, but don't expect every
> transaction to go through that system.

I really think this is a good tool and i still feel that having gathered all
important imformation about packages was a wise idea, even if you discuss and
coordinate using a mailing-list. Looking for problems in a package takes few
minutes using BTS/PTS/... , whether in mailing-lists it can take hours or days.

> Similarly I just gave away a couple of my packages to someone else. No O
> or RFA bugs needed. I suppose if there were other people keen for those
> packages they missed out :-| but they'd never contacted me.

In this case, the package still continues to be maintained, so there is no 
so no bug to fill in. Giving an equal chance to possible new maintainers is 
suject, out of scope.

> Sometimes it is necessary to work with upstream on the build system,
> bugs etc. Sometimes everything just works though and you can build the
> whole package without any discussion at all. There's no hard and fast
> rules.

Indeed it is not compulsory. I just wanted to highlight it is really important, 
if not needed because packaging is trivial. Moreover, it s not only a problem a 
bugs, build issues, ... it is, from my point of view, also a question of 
respect and
Sorry for being so idealist...


P.S. :
Notice i am still signing as "Duck" and not "Marc DequÃnes", because it the 
way most
people know me and call me in real life. Many probably do not remember my real 
name, so
using my nickname is in fact far less anonymous.
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