On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 13:44, VEROK Istvan wrote:
> Subsets can also have subsets, or a subset may even come from the
> confluence of other subsets, so there is no need to name one level a
> "custom Debian distro" and another level a "flavor".

I'll elaborate more in a later post, but I just want to give a quick
comment here.

In the light of the previous discussions, we have to distinguish between
an *organisational* term and a *technical* term. It's not a very sharp
distinction in some cases. For example "package pools" is organisational
in one context but it is also clearly a very technical term since it has
a concrete implementation in the archive and the package tools.

Anyway, "flavor" is a technical term. "Custom Debian Distribution" is an
organisational term. So they describe different things. Exactly what, I
must get back to you on that.

Sorry, I have to run now, but I'll try to get back to this asap. Don't
worry, the terms will be good and then we can all get back to
implementing things when we have the words to communicate with.

Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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