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On 2003-12-05 16:48, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, cobaco wrote:
> > hm, as far as I know Debian-edu is nothing more then a couple of
> > task-packages at this point (and some education packages that got added
> > to the archive)
> I do not compare the quality of Debian-Edu or SkoleLinux - I just want to
> use the right term.  Yes, SkoleLinux is currently more useable - no
> question.

didn't interprete it thay way, I was just pointing out the state of both
Skolelinux and Debian-edu before the Skolelinux/Debian-edu merging announced
in http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2003/
debian-devel-announce-200309/msg00011.html started.

> > being done for Skolelinux, so basically you're saying that Skolelinux
> > (or any other project aiming to be a CDD) is not a CDD untill they get
> > everything they need back into Debian proper (which can take quite a
> > while), even when we're trying to do so (and always have)?
> That's the definition we agreed to.

heh, I was under the impression that the definition was still being
discussed , and it certainly doesn't follow the definition I've used
throughout this thread (the message where I articulated my definition had a
reply saying "exactly", so I also don't appear to be the only one here)

> If you would have read my previous mails you would have noticed, that we
> use different definitions

(while we seem to be misunderstanding each other, why would you assume I 
haven't read your mails?  -> never attribute to malevolence what can be 
adequately attributed to misunderstanding, mkay?)

>and that I want to clarify _the definition_ and

coming to an agreement of _the_ definition_ is the subject of this thread,
consequently as yet there is no such thing as _the_ definition_.

see my answer to Ben armstrong where I try to clarify the point I was making
(trying to anyhow) in the previous mail.

> I'm not talking about the quality of SkoleLinux (which is damn good).

didn't take it that way :-)

- --
Cheers, cobaco

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