On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 20:02:54 -0700, Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Oddly enough, most FreeBSD sysadmins don't appear to mind doing things much
>more invasive than a dist-upgrade, every six months. This has largely to do
>with the fact that most upgrades are very smooth, and don't require, say, a
>complete reinstall.

Oddly enough, nobody at me ex-orkplace (having about 20 FreeBSD boxes
in productive use) dared to touch any of the BSD boxes. We had
productive Servers running FreeBSD 2.x, and I believe that this hasn't

>In this regard, Debian actually resembles the *BSDs much more closely than
>most other Linux distributions (and that isn't a bad thing).

NACK. Debian is much easier to upgrade since we keep older versions
around. Updating older FreeBSD base systems should work fine, but
compiling new ports is a nightmare if you can't step up one release at
a time. The only thing you can safely do is to build new systems and
slowly migrate. Debian is much better in that regard.


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