On Sun, 14 Dec 2003, Scott Minns wrote:

> Hiya all,
> Thanks for your reply’s, I like the idea of making some packages 
> "perishable" the trouble is where would you draw the line? I could do 
> with some of the new features in proftpd, but that would not be 
> perishable – so the problem is still there.
> The main problem is that software is moving on so damn fast atm.
>  From my point of view one of the main issues is that new packages are 
> never built for the stable release, so there are loads of packages in 
> testing that I need or want to use, but they are not in stable - 

Perhaps an official debian subproject that attempts to provide 
some backports such that adding  an additional line to sources.list
would enable them to be available. Perhaps this is already the aim
of the "flavours" idea that has been discussed?

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