On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 11:03:00PM +0000, Roger Leigh wrote:
> Demons are evil, and the BSD mascot is a demon (albeit a stylised
> one).  On the other hand, it's not /intended/ to be evil.  In this
> particular case, my personal thought on this is that the intent
> outweighs the fact that it's a demon (come on, the BSD daemon on the
> front of my FreeBSD Services box is holding a spanner and wearing
> trainers--that's not exactly evil, is it?).

What drives the assertion that "demons are evil?"  I'm neither religious
or highly educated on the matter, but I've never really thought of them
as such.  Other summaries in this thread have pointed out their
neutrality.  Can you provide some references?

I've no vested interest here, I just find this discussion interesting,
and I like the names offered by Branden.

Thanks; my apologies if this is considered OT...

 - Keegan

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