On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 09:59:57AM -0700, Joel Baker wrote:
> > For a different, somewhat postmodern take on angels and demons, see the
> > roleplaying game _In Nomine_, published by Steve Jackson Games, which can
> > be played as pure good angels vs. evil demons, with complete moral
> > ambiguity, with demons as heroic rebels against the repression of heaven,
> > or anything else inbetween.
> Or read Stephen Brust's _To Reign in Hell_, which posits an alternative
> explanation of the creation of the world, the nature and causes of the
> conflict between the angels under Yahweh and those under Satan, and the
> origin of humankind.

Sounds a lot like a plot in very early issues of 1980s of Hellblazer, a 
comic which by the way is being made into a movie with Keanu Reeves (it's 
being filmed as we speak).  http://www.insanerantings.com/hell/movie/
[Heaven is oppressive, right-wingers are malevolent, world saved by the 
paganists/hell.  Subtheme: civil war in hell.  Good stuff.]

I personally liked an issue of "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children": 
Sympathy for the Devil.  Satan's real name is Wally.  He's a nice enough 
fellow, if it wasn't for all the assholes that keep showing up asking 
him what to do.

Wally's a friend of mine, he's a brother :-)

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