On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 09:59:46AM +0000, Will Newton wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 Dec 2003 01:44, Joel Baker wrote:
> > Appropriate? As much as any of the Valar would be; he's certainly on the
> > list. But since we know of at least 4 active ports, one name isn't going to
> > be enough...
> I would hope whatever name chosen is pronounceable, spellable, reasonably 
> short and preferably not accented (i.e. ASCII). Obviously the first two are 
> subjective (there are at least two ways of pronouncing Debian).

Point #1: Since there are fairly well established pronounciation rules
for Tolkien's languages, and we know which language each name is
from, this shouldn't be a problem.

Point #2: Well, they're all spellable. Though it's easier if they're also
short, granted. See point #3.

Point #3: The only concrete, proposed name (so far) is 6 characters long.
Given that that's shorter than 'GNU/Linux' by 3 characters, I'd say it
should suffice...

Point #4: For at least the one proposed name ('Nienna'), it is, in fact,
representable (properly) in US/ASCII. Even the rest are all representable
in a clearly identifiable degenerate form (that is, no worse than many
Europeans already have to endure) in US/ASCII, and are completely
representable using ISO-8859-1 (or, of course, UTF-8, which is my personal
Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        ,''`.
Debian GNU/NetBSD(i386) porter                                       : :' :
                                                                     `. `'

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