On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 13:48:25 +0200, Jérôme Marant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> Selon Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I'm thankful you're taking the discussion to this list, where
>> probably more people will be able participate as well.

> I hope so.

> [...]

>> > Some improvements have already been proposed by Eduard Bloch and
>> > Adrian Bunk: freezing unstable while keeping testing.
>> It may pose a problem that development in unstable usually
>> continues while testing is frozen and only important bugs should be
>> fixed.
>> However, if unstable would be frozen at the same time, would
>> development stop?  Probably not.  I'm pretty sure that several
>> would start with separate repositories and the like to make more
>> recent versions of the software available which they maintain.

> I think it would be marginal. After all, the experimental
> distribution does exit for this purpose and nonetheless, people do
> not neglect unstable.

        I do not think you understand what the experimental
 distribution is, and how it is different from unstable, if you can
 say that. (not a full distribution, contains truly volatile packages,
 not supported by buildd's, for a start).

>> We must not forget the focus on fixing the frozen distribution and
>> making it ready, though.
>> > Freezing unstable forces people to work on fixing bugs, and the
>> > quicker the bugs are fixed, the quicker the distribution is
>> > released and the quicker Debian people can start working on on
>> > the next release.
>> Freezeing unstable forces people not to do development in unstable.
>> It won't force people to fix bugs and the like.  Closing a motorway
>> won't stop people from driving (too) fast, it would stop people
>> from using the motorway for driving (too) fast instead.

> Before "testing", the RM used to freeze unstable and people were
> working on fixing bugs. There were pretest cycles with bug horizons,

        Not true. People were mostly twiddling their thumbs. Only a
 small subset of people can actually help in fixing RC bugs.

> and freezes were shorter.  Of course, without "testing",
> synchronizing arches was a pain, that's why I'd say let's combine
> both.

> Instead of always telling than a given idea won't work, let's try it
> and conclude afterwards.

        We have tried the whole freezing route. But feel free to try
 it out (like aj did Testing), and tell us how it would have worked.

Ha. I say let them try -- even vi+perl couldn't match the power of an
editor which is, after all, its own OS.  ;-) -- Johnie Ingram on
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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