On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 19:57:15 +0200, Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

>> include <hallo.h>
> * Romain Francoise [Fri, Oct 22 2004, 06:04:12PM]:

>> > Is the entire world on crack and I just failed to notice until
>> > now?
>> Don't worry, we're preparing an internal General Resolution to
>> address this crack problem, but you're not supposed to know about
>> it.  This is how we fix problems in Debian: hide them, then propose
>> General Resolutions.

> And your point is..?

        That a GR on technical issues is moronic?

> It is our right to hide things. We do not hide problems, we hide
> possible solutions. The problem is well known, but there are

        This is even stupider than I thought possible.

> different ways to solve it. And before you think about writing
> another message, think about the reason for having the
> debian-private ML.

        It certainly is not to have moronic conversations like
 this. We should certainly not be hiding stupidity in Debian ranks.

Lay on, MacDuff, and curs'd be him who first cries, "Hold,
enough!". Shakespeare
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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