Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Testing scripts are a gatekeeper against mistakes from unstable.
>> Upload debian-specific changes to unstable doesn't necessarily mean
>> there won't be side effects that shall not enter testing.
>       Why not just leave freeze testing, and create an
>  ultra-pending-release frozen candidate branch which is a gatekeeper
>  against mistakes from testing.  Freeze testing instead.

I thought freezing testing was planned. That's the incremental
freeze which is confusing.

>>> Am I missing something in your (somewhat nebulous) proposal?
>> Freezing unstable prevent people from uploading new upstream
>> releases which desynchronizes unstable from testing and forces
>> people to work with two distributions (and necessarily neglect one
>> of them).
>       How does this actually make testing become releaseable sooner,
>  if testing is actually frozen? freeze testing, leave unstable alone,
>  and create as many harder-frozen-ready-to-release candidate variants
>  of testing you want.

Again, I thought it was planned by RMs.

>       See, you don't really need people in power to do this: just
>  create a fake-testing somewhere, and a fake-frozen, and see if things
>  actually come together sooner that way.

I fail to see how I can prove anything that way.

>> As soon as testing is strictly equal to unstable regarding package
>> versions, testing is roughly ready for release.
>       This may take forever. However, frozen-testing and
>  frozen-candidate may fugue towards equivalence asymptotically.

It depends of the criteria of equality. You don't necessarily
want to be that strict.

Jérôme Marant

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