Hi, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

>       Are you, then, setting up a system for the security team to be
>  able to build packages for testing?  (you did mention you needed no
>  further help from anybody).  Is there a reason you are not indeed
>  putting things in place?

I already have, as far as possible with my own machines. Debian, however,
consists of slightly more architectures than are currently available in my
computer room. I also assume that the security team's source packages are
located somewhere other than http://smurf.noris.de/code/debian/testing/;
furthermore, they probably want the official security stuff to live on a
Debian-administered system.

To clarify: I wouldn't need help actually doing it, but somebody would
have to add me into a few groups / add my ssh pubkey to a few more files,
before I'd be able to *start* doing it *again*, but this time in a way
that's actually of benefit tto Debian, instead of just my personal

>> Asking whether people want to leatn how to do the job is thus
>> pointless.

>       No, having people who merely want to come up with rants
> against people who are doing the work is a good thing.

If the people who are currently allowed to do the work were indeed doing
it, I would agree with you. After a month of no visible progress WRT t-s,
however, I'd say that they are not.

Matthias Urlichs   |   {M:U} IT Design @ m-u-it.de   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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