On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 10:34:07PM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
> Is there anything that those of us who are not these two people can do
> to help with this, short of not bothering them about it?

I'm not sure where the "two people" figure comes from; I assume it's
supposed to be referring to James and Ryan, but I can't see any obvious
reason why Joey, Bdale or Lamont wouldn't have the experience too, or why
they'd not be able to get access if they asked. OTOH, I can't imagine
any of them having huge amounts of time free either.

Anyway; the easy solution to not knowing how to help the people who
can do it already is just to do it all yourself. Create a website
(people.debian.org/~you, eg), write some scripts, and start uploading to

The main reason offers of help don't work, is that the vast majority
of them don't actually get followed through, so it just ends up wasting
time setting up access permissions, and teaching the newbie how things
works -- doing the work /first/ is the obvious way of demonstrating
that the offer will actually get followed up; and it's a far better
predictor than looking at who the person is, or what they've done for
other projects, too, eg. The "do it all yourself" approach also works
in case the people who you were going to help don't get around to doing
anything, for whatever reason.

Eg, Guy Maor was going to do a lot of the archive work needed to get
"testing" happening at one point; but instead ended up reducing his
involvement in Debian and not really doing anything; likewise, testing
had been running for about a year before Jason and James started doing
much about changing the archive so that it could be integrated.

Note that doing stuff on your own doesn't offer any guarantees that
it won't be a complete waste of time; Drake Diedrich [0] did an
implementation of pools way back in 2000 that pretty much disappeared
into the aether. (I happen to think some good ideas from it got pulled
into dak/katie; but others' mileage probably varies)


[0] http://lists.debian.org/debian-pool/2000/08/msg00002.html

Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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