#include <hallo.h>
* Wouter Verhelst [Sun, Oct 24 2004, 11:41:33AM]:

> > Very few bug reports from testing users are of any value at all.
> I respectfully disagree here.
> With most of my packages, bugs get filed only when the transition to
> testing has been complete for quite a while already, except when the bug
> is a /really/ severe one (severity grave or critical).

Counter example: you fix a bug in Sid but insufficiently (and you do not
know for sure). Few users continue reporting bugs in the Testing
version. You ask them to test the Sid version. But Sid scares them and
they promise to wait for the update to be in Sid. Then, you will wait
weeks for the acknoledgement and the bug may still be in Testing in this
time. And it will take another two weeks for a real fix to slip into

That is not fun. That is overhead which creates confusion.

In the beginning was the word, and the word was content-type: text/plain

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