I just noticed that Corel is just in the process porting Wordperfect 7 to
Linux and the following is on the web page

Certified Operating Systems

 RedHat 2.0.18
 Slackware 2.0.25
 OpenLinux 1.0 

Should we try to get Debian in there? Also, the Corel Java Office is
platform independent and can be run from any java aware browser or from
JDK1.1.1 (which just showed up on my mirror). There is no mention that any
linux supports JDK - should we also try to get that changed? If there are
reasons that we can't do this that I am unaware of, sorry for the waste of
bandwitdth and btw, I am a latex user:), but I think more advertising for
debian the better. Cheers, Colin.

          Colin R. Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
                School of Policy Studies, Queen's University
                     Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6
              (613)545-6000x4219   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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