On Sun, 15 Jun 1997, Raul Miller wrote:

> On Jun 6, Colin R. Telmer wrote
> > I just noticed that Corel is just in the process porting Wordperfect 7 to
> > Linux and the following is on the web page
> > <http://www.sdcorp.com/wplinux7.htm>:
> > 
> > Certified Operating Systems
> > 
> >  RedHat 2.0.18
> >  Slackware 2.0.25
> >  OpenLinux 1.0 
> > 
> > Should we try to get Debian in there? 
> Seems like a good idea to me.  What's involved?

Not much considering they use their own installation program, not .rpm as
I previously thought.  As long as the instalation conforms to the FSSTND
it should work fine on debian.


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