On 9 Jun 1997, Milan Zamazal wrote:

> >>>>> "GM" == Guy Maor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     GM: David Frey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     :: Must all new programs goint into unstable be linked with libc6?
>     GM: Since Debian 2.0 is meant to be a libc6 system, the answer is yes.
> Well, if I install libc6 now, wouldn't it break compilation of some
> programs?  I'm dependent on my Debian machine, so I can't perform too
> hard experiments with it.

Yes, it breaks the compilation of a good number of programms, but most
fixes are more or less trivial.

I switched to glibc2/libc6/hamm over 6 weeks ago and so far my system is
running just fine.

If you really need to continue to compile libc5 dependent stuff, install
the alt-dev packages.

> And if I can't install libc6 safely enough now, does it mean I really
> shouldn't upload new versions of my packages?

No, if there is no other way, upload versions linked against libc5,
but you should really try to switch as soon as possible.


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