>>>>> "Brian" == Brian White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Brian>   Maintainers don't chose what section their package goes
    Brian> in -- they only recommend.  It's decided by the ftp site
    Brian> maintainer (Guy).

 Maybe they should co-ordinate with one another a little then.

    Brian>  Besides which, I don't remember which section I got a
    Brian> specific package from.  Was xgalaga in X11 or games?

 dpkg --info packagname

    >> From a "use" point of view, the user knows what package
    >> documentation
    Brian> he's looking for when going into /usr/doc, so why does a
    Brian> large directory make any difference?

 It takes a long time to grind through a very full directory, and for
software to cons up lists of the files there.

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