On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 03:49:33PM -0500, David Moreno Garza wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 15:55 +0400, Nikita V. Youshchenko wrote:
> > 
> > I'm already waiting for DAM approval for almost 6 months, and I'm
> > ready to
> > wait more (after all, there is a psyhological difference between a day
> > and
> > a month, but not between 6 and 12 months).
> > 
> > The only thing that makes me feel uncomfortable now is that I'm not
> > able to
> > upload packages that fix bugs timely - communication with sponsor
> > leads to
> > very long overhead - probably because of vacation season...
> Actually, the same for me, almost.
> I have been in the whole NM process for more than 13 months now. I spent
> around 6 months with my AM, around another 6 to be approved by the DAM
> and I'm waiting now, since a month ago, for my account to be created.
> Yes, I also know some people have had longer times.
> The thing that makes me feel uncomfortable is how Debian cannot
> encourage people for helping the project with this. Motivation probably
> just leaves with the long time waiting (in my case, there is nothing
> else on my hands to do). People just loses faith. It is sad to see the
> process is more a matter of time, than capacity or work done,
> experience. And well, right now I feel so close but also so far, because
> of the uncertainty, to conclude my process.

I will have to nod in agreement.  Although it has only been a couple
of months since I entered the NM queue, looking at how long many of the
candidates ahead of me have been in the queue is rather disheartening.
I plan to stick it out, but I am sure that there others who are not
willing to wait so long.

Roberto C. Sanchez

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