On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 11:19:46PM +0200, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
> Yaroslav Halchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 01:51:53PM +0200, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
> >>> I'm not sure if any additional AMs are necessary -- there is a
> >>> sufficient quantity of them to cover all current DD applicants...
> >> No.
> > Indeed - I counted "grave stones" as well. So there are 61 registered
> > AMs. And just 39 from them are "active" (ie having ND assigned and not
> > yet waiting for DAM) with next AMs being most active:
> >
> >      19 he
> >      11 joerg
> Well, both Joerg and me want to reduce the number of applicants we're
> processing at the same time, so more AMs would really be helpful.
> The problem is that Application Managers need to be able to invest some
> time on a regular basis *and* know a lot about Debian Policy, Packaging
> and QA. That's the reason for the usual "AMs should be DDs for 6
> months". We know that this is very general, but it allows people to gain
> experience as mentors and sponsors. Sometimes, we ignore it - when people
> have shown their skills in the NM checks, for example.
> It's not easy to see how well someone will work as Application Manager
> before they actually do it. AMs who used to be very responsive, friendly
> and tried to explain everything tend to get bored by the repetition;

Hi 'HE' (one day I shall find the origin of this),
If AM's repeatedly answer the same questions, then have those answers
been made into a FAQ(not having googled for an answer)? (if so, could
you point me to its location). Just curious (as one day I may get
there x-))
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