On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 12:59:49PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:32:48 +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Yeah, me too.  I've seen incorrect init.d ordering several times.  And
> >to be able to detect and fix incorrect boot order, we need to know
> >dependencies.  I hope as many as possible will add dependency
> >information using the LSB init.d headers.  I've started doing it with
> >my packages. 
> How about a recipe for doing so?

Good idea.  Here is a quick and dirty draft based on my current
understanding.  It is based on the content in
I recommend to read it if you want to know more.

Add a block like this in the init.d script (example based on

  # Provides:          xdebconfigurator
  # Required-Start:    $syslog
  # Required-Stop:     $syslog
  # Should-Start:      $local_fs
  # Should-Stop:       $local_fs
  # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
  # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
  # Short-Description: Generate xfree86 configuration at boot time
  # Description:       Preseed X configuration and use dexconf to
  #                    generate a new configuration file.

All sections except the description-sections are space separate lists.

Provides should list the name of this service, normally the script
name but might also list the name of services it "replaces".

Required-Start are services needed to start this service.  These
services must start before this service.  Required-Stop are services
used by this service, and this service should stop before the listed
services are stopped.

Should-Start are services that if present should start before this
service, but this service can start if the listed services are
missing.  Should-Stop are services that if present should be stopped
after this service.

Default-Start is the run levels where this service should be started
by default, and Default-Stop is the run levels where this service
should be stopped by default.

Description and short-description are fairly obvious.

For dependency tracking, the required-* and should-* are important,
and the rest is unused.  The default runlevels are used by insserv to
keep track of which rc#.d directory to update when a service is added
for the first time, and should reflect the intent of the service.

There are some "virtual"/system service names, listed in
These are:

  $local_fs  all local filesystems are mounted

  $network   low level networking (ethernet card; may imply PCMCIA running)

  $named     daemons which may provide hostname resolution (if present) are
             running. For example, daemons to query DNS, NIS+, or LDAP.

  $portmap   daemons providing SunRPC/ONCRPC portmapping service as
             defined in RFC 1833 (if present) are running all remote

  $remote_fs filesystems are mounted. In some LSB run-time
             environments, filesystems such as /usr may be
             remote. Many applications that require $local_fs will
             probably require also require $remote_fs.

  $syslog    system logger is operational

  $time      the system time has been set, for example by using a
             network-based time program such as ntp or rdate, or via
             the hardware Real Time Clock.

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