On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 11:39:20AM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> I'm amazed at the level of intolerence that's greeting a pretty major
> contribution to the free software community. There are, what, five major
> OS/kernels for PCs/workstatsions these days -- Windows, OS X, Solaris,
> BSD and Linux. How does it make any sense at all to be hostile to the
> fact that now four out of those five are free at their core?

I don't mean to excuse the near-hostility that's evident now, and I
agree that we should give OpenSolaris some time to get everything
straightened out (that's only fair).  However, I suspect that if the
original announcement and subsequent conversation had been handled a
little better on the OpenSolaris side, Debian people would have been
more willing to cut them some slack.  

You'll note that even in the initial part of the thread when Debian
folks were (generally) being polite, many of Erast's responses were at
best antagonistic, and at worst showed a complete disregard for what
Debian is all about.  This strikes me as a rather poor way to start a
relationship with someone, especially when you've just based most of
your userspace on that someone's source code.


Kenneth J. Pronovici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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