On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 06:28:32AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> On 28 May 2006, Thomas Bushnell stated:
> > Perhaps my just-posted message has too many words to see my point.
> >
> > In the paragraph above, marked >>>, which was written by you, you
> > speak of deception and forgery.  Nothing in the reports of the
> > recent incident involving Martin suggests any deception and forgery.
> > What about this incident makes you think that any kind of deception
> > or forgery was going on?
>         I really think either you are deliberately being obtuse, or
>  nothing I can say will get this through to you.  I fail to see how
>  one can assert that there was no forgery going on -- do you
>  automatically assume that if a shiney laminated document with some
>  random issueing authority listed on it is not forged?

     2. The act of forging, fabricating, or producing falsely; 
        esp., the crime of fraudulently making or altering a
        writing or signature puporting to be made by another; the
        false making or material alteration of or addition to a
        written instrument for the purpose of deceit and fraud;
        as, the forgery of a bond. --Bouvier.
        [1913 Webster]

What Martin Krafft showed you was, according to what he claimed, a
document that was made by the Transnational Republic. If he had changed
some things on that document, then it would have been a forgery;
however, he claims he has not, which would imply that it is not, in
fact, a forgery.

If such a document does not satisfy your definition for a sufficiently
convincing proof of ID, then that is your prerogative, and you are
certainly welcome to refuse to sign keys in such cases. But "It fails
the standards of Manoj Srivastava" is not the definition of "Forgery".
And it is *your* responsibility, not someone else's, to make sure that
the documents you check satisfy whatever standards you choose to uphold.
If you fail to acknowledge that, you may find that people (mostly
inexperienced people) will show you all sorts of things that do not
satisfy your desires for ID cards. On purpose or otherwise.

> > In other words, Bubba sells forgeries, but the Transnational
> > Republic does not.
>         Riiight.  And I know that how?

You could know that; you could just as well not know. If you do not
know, then it is your prerogative to decide not to sign anything based
on a TR ID card. But that doesn't make the person showing you that card
dishonest or a forger.

Fun will now commence
  -- Seven Of Nine, "Ashes to Ashes", stardate 53679.4

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