On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 08:48:14PM +0200, I (Christoph Haas) wrote:
> * svn-inject
> Injecting new packages through svn-inject fails here. I get errors about
> the MKCOL method not being allowed on the remote WebDAV server. Perhaps
> it's a problem that the Apache runs on Sarge while I'm developing on
> Sid.

It appears like MKCOL returns a 405 when a collection (apparently a
directory on the DAV server - I'm not a DAV expert) is already existing.
So removing the whole repository, re-creating it and then running
svn-inject works. I was sure that I injected into a blank repository -
apparently it wasn't totally blank.

Another strange issue is that the tarballs/ directory for upstream
tarballs it not automatically created and needs to be adjusted by hand
by editing the trunk/.svn/deb-layout file. Or it's just me not
understanding the mergeWithUpstream setting correctly.

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