On 9/21/06, Ben Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
I can see you're frustrated.  You've invested a lot of energy into
writing this note to us about a problem you see in Debian.  Now, if it
really does pain you to write it, the least you could do is tell us
what your hardware is.  Otherwise, how do you expect us to make things
better for you?


Okay:  Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG.  According to this message at
bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=363967 it isn't packaged because:

"there is still an official statement of -release and -kernel about the
policy for oot-modules in etch missing."

showing it just isn't in Debian because policy.

Next:  SD drive, works with Ubuntu with their "free stuuf."  Probably isn't
supported by policy either.

Lastly, suspend doesn't work with Debian but does with Dapper.

I am not an expert with all the technical specifics, but when I see messages
like this from the release manager:

I conclude, why am I trying to wait patiently?  Is Debian ever going to
support hardware where there is "free software" out there for it?  Because of
a pios loyalty to a docoument and not to mankind I conclude not.

                                            Alfredo Diega

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