On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 08:19:42AM +0100, sean finney wrote:
> and wrt the suggestion of "just use webmail" posted later on: this would
> also count as a "web based interface", and imo would be the worst kind
> since you have no automatic information gathering, no input checking,
> and it's rather unintuitive.
That was me.  What I meant was that the bug reporting instructions point
out that reportbug can be used (is preferred, even) but that a properly
formatted email can also be sent.  Thus, anyone who can send some sort
of email is capable of submitting a bug report, regardless of whether a
local MTA exists.  If such people are so anxious to use the web, they
can do so via webmail.  IMHO, that is no more likely to be "bad" than
someone using thunderbird or evolution on the local machine.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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