On Thu, 17 May 2007 11:29:16 +0200
Hendrik Sattler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> what I am really missing in the current dependency scheme is WHY some packages
> define Recommends and Suggests on specific other packages.

I use Recommends or Suggests when the package includes a variety of
scripts with broadly related purposes. The main Depends: line is
determined by a "core" set of scripts (which may be described in detail
in the long description) but if there are a couple of optional scripts
that some people may like to use but which aren't strictly essential to
the use of the package, then those dependencies get put into Recommends
or Suggests.

The meaning, to me, is:

Recommends: needed or useful in conjunction with optional or limited
usage scenarios where alternative methods may exist.

Suggests: Not a strict dependency of any script in the package, just
useful for helping the user find their way around the package. e.g.
dwww for docs.

> My problem with the current situation that you either do the policy of always
> installing such stuff or you don't. There is no way to decide case by case
> because there is definitely information missing in the description of
> packages.

You install a Recommends or Suggests when you want to use some part of
the package that uses it. The obvious place to document such
requirements is the manpage for the optional script. In most cases,
users simply don't need to use those options.

e.g. emdebian-tools Recommends subversion because although the "core"
emdebian-tools scripts can be used without subversion, there is an
optional script which requires subversion. Not everyone using
emdebian-tools needs to use the optional script (emsource) because
emsource is a cross-build-aware wrapper for 'apt-get source' that also
manages the Emdebian SVN. If you aren't using the Emdebian SVN,
emsource is of little use to you. Making subversion a dependency of
emdebian-tools would be pointless. Having said that, emsource is
becoming more like a core script and a later release may deprecate
using apt-get source directly and migrate emsource into the "core".

> OK, some of those are obvious but some Recommends and Suggests are completely
> mysterious to me.

Until you use the package and come up against the one area where the
Recommended package is actually useful, this is to be expected. Until
you need to use that one option, there is no need for you to be
concerned. At the point where you need that option, the manpage for
that script or program should explain the role of the recommended

> And even after installation, I still don't know how those
> additional packages do extend/improve/whatever the originally wanted package.

That isn't a problem - when you want to use a particular feature, the
manpage should provide the info you need.

> It would be nice if maintainers of packages with Recommends and Suggests that
> are non-obvious could state in the package description a reason for each of
> them.

Package descriptions can be long enough as it is - IMHO the best place
for this information is the manpage. Things like "Recommends" often
needs context - the reason for using the recommended package needs to
be explained in relation to the rest of the scripts and the overall
purpose of the package. There is no room to do that in the description.

> If I file bugs about them, which severity can this be given?


The location of this information should be the manpage, IMHO. Moreover,
it should be the manpage of the specific program/script that uses or
is related to the recommended package.

The only bug suitable for this scenario is a wishlist bug for a more
verbose manpage.


Neil Williams

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