Le dimanche 15 juillet 2007 à 14:11 +0100, Neil Williams a écrit :
> Why not drop the Debian Menu Policy completely? The only sane argument
> against .desktop is hierarchy support but then the most pertinent
> complaint against menu is that the hierarchy is wasteful.

The Freedesktop menu has hierarchy support, but it's much more clever
than the Debian menu's.

The most important argument against it is more about window manager
coverage. There are a good number of packages with Debian menu support
and no Freedesktop menu support.

> What we'd need would be strong guidelines on which packages provide
> a .desktop file and leave it at that.

That, we need in all cases.

> If all Gnome packages silently drop debian/menu in the next upload, is
> that actually going to be a problem for anyone?

That could be for people using GNOME applications in an environment
without fd.o menu support.

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