Frank Küster wrote:
> Neil Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I like Don's idea - remove the Debian menu from those window managers
>> etc. that understand .desktop files and make the Debian menu aware
>> of .desktop files for those other systems.
> Oh, please not.  Everytime I try a "desktop environment", I end up using
> its menus nearly only for configuring it, and the Debian menu for doing
> real work.  It's the menu I am used to, and it would really reduce my
> productivity to miss it.  Not that a desktop environment increases my
> productivity, anyway; but should I actually want to get used to one for
> longer, it would indeed make my personal transition smoother if I can
> start with the familiar Debian menu and switch to the respective desktop
> environment menus gradually.

I actually do like Don's idea.
The first thing I usually do, after installing KDE or Gnome is to
disable the Debian menu in /etc/xdg/menus/(gnome,kde),
for all the reason already given:
- It duplicates entries (so it's potentially confusing for novice users)
- Has no i18n
- ugly (although I agree that's subjective). No png icons for
applications, no icons for subdirectories, which imho makes it harder to
recognize the categories quickly.

So, yeah, I vote for disabling the Debian menu in KDE/Gnome/XFCE.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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