bind: 24280 45470 46856 50013 52745 53550 55032 62547 70079 81190 81252 85081 
85909 86013 86488 88326 88982 92147 94760 95773 128129 129710 132492 132494 
132582 149342 156349 157245 169124 170872 197412 197669 199252 212625 213706 
234167 242579 248193 260759 260915 280955 282239 352054 355787 402231 402232
24280: wishlist: manpage for named-xfer incomplete
45470: wishlist: missing man pages
46856: normal: bind: named-bootconf can't parse comments of named.boot
50013: wishlist: bind: bind should not run as root.
52745: wishlist: making /var/run/ndc useable by non-root
53550: wishlist: bind: WISH: run nameserver as user bind, group bind
55032: wishlist: Bind should support RFC2606
62547: wishlist: bind: Always does openlod("named", ...) and doesn't use the 
process name.
70079: wishlist: bind: Bind needs a new hint file every so often
81190: wishlist: bind allows all hosts to do AXFR transfers.
81252: normal: bind: named does not fall back to root servers if 'forward 
first' forwarders fail
85081: normal: bind: glue records and non A RR's
85909: wishlist: bind: named should bind to INADDR_ANY
86013: wishlist: fix for bind issue 925 incorrect(slave sends NOTIFY on startup)
86488: wishlist: Please reload on ip-up
88326: wishlist: Please reload on if-up
88982: wishlist: Have an option to support non-ICANN TLDs
92147: normal: bind: forward first; doesn't work
94760: wishlist: [list.debian.devel] Re: chroot bind?
95773: wishlist: bind asks questions more than once
128129: wishlist: bind: why not using -u dns ?
129710: wishlist: bind: check_del needs a man page
132492: normal: bind not compatible with djbdns in forward-first mode
132494: wishlist: Hacked PPC bind?
132582: wishlist: bind: Default install is potentially insecure
149342: wishlist: Proposed new /etc/init.d/bind script
156349: minor: bind doesn't follow logging commands properly
157245: wishlist: bind: Please consider providing an easy way to run named as 
other user != root
169124: wishlist: bind: easy (optional) chroot support
170872: normal: bind: default config makes NXDOMAIN error on localhost?
197412: important: support for GNU and others (GNU/KFreeBSD, etc)
197669: normal: bind 1:8.3.3-2.0woody1 lacks nsupdate manpage
199252: minor: bind: named.conf(5) doesn't talk about mixed comments
212625: normal: Please add the "disckheads" patch or equivalent
213706: normal: bind: apt-get install -y bind < /dev/null fails if 
/etc/named.conf exists
234167: normal: bind: named went bezerk and filled up my entire system disk 
with log messages
242579: normal: bind: Bind Upgrade removes named.conf.local
248193: normal: bind stuck not resolving
260759: normal: bind: named(8) and named.conf(5) reference wrong filename.
260915: normal: Sarge errors - DNS resolver
280955: important: bind: fails to load large zones
282239: wishlist: bind: Please split named-xfer to a separate deb so nsd can 
depend on it
352054: minor: bind: The initscript should return false when errors occur
355787: normal: bind: default config allows recursive queries which could 
allows remote attackers to cause a DoS
402231: normal: bind: man pages but no programs
402232: minor: readinfo.1: NAME cut off?
bind-dev: 99538 106789
99538: wishlist: bind-dev: Missing symlinks for some man pages
106789: normal: PIC static libs needed

Martin Michlmayr

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