On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:08:10 +0000 (UTC)
Oleg Verych <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The alternative approach is to modify the packages themselves,
> > rather than remove files after installation. See Emdebian:
> > http://www.emdebian.org/
> Well, after download, before installation and using general purpose
> archive.
> > http://lists.debian.org/debian-embedded/2007/05/msg00025.html
> > http://lists.debian.org/debian-embedded/2007/05/msg00031.html
> >
> > (Note that Emdebian does not retain perl in the rootfs.)
> How that can be, without perl? I don't like perl, but it's a must for
> Debian.

It ain't necessarily so.

Embedded devices don't need perl or ruby or python or ....

By cross-building the packages for our own repository, we can (and do)
change the dependency chain to remove things that embedded devices do
not need, including removing perl from "Essential".

> Also i don't want to have small or minimal rootfs, i want less bloated
> one. That means, i have all freedoms to do things i like and OS needs,
> yet without static info, that is just re-added on every update.

As far as /usr/share/locale is concerned, we have similar needs.
Embedded devices also don't want 250Mb of LC_MESSAGES files where 90%
are for unsupported locales.

This was an issue at DebConf7 and one solution is dpkg filtering. This
allows admins to tell dpkg simply not to install certain files. This
should be able to replace your script with the benefit that you need
less temporary space to install the packages themselves. I'm not sure
if the dpkg maintainers have included this feature yet.

> It would be nice if everybody will collect, sort and order things,
> that are to be needed for laptop Foo/power user/user etc. Publishing
> such configs will let people have light setups easily.

Use the debian wiki.


Neil Williams

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