
Le mardi 27 novembre 2007 à 13:45 +0100, EagleScreen a écrit :
> Package: general
> Severity: normal
> As users of Gnome should know, in order to enable Gnome System sounds
> (login sound, logout sound, gdm ready sound, click on command sound
> etc..) it is necessary to go to Preferences->Sound and 
> enable sounds by software (ESD), and mark for play System sounds, and
> also have gnome-audio installed.
> The problem is that when i enable ESD, many other aplications stop
> sounding, and if i try to play a WAV file with aplay command, it
> reports to me that my audio device is busy. This is my audio 
> device:
> 00:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] (rev 06)
> I think this is a bug of Debian becouse this problem is not present in
> other Linux distributions with Gnome in which ESD and aplay work
> together, and by this i know that my sound card support 
> full duplex and can be used by both of them at the same time; in
> addiction in old releases of Debian, i am sure that this problem was
> not present.

You should not install ESD; it is buggy as hell, and this is the reason
why it isn't enabled by default in GNOME.

If you want to share your ALSA devices with ESD, you can install
libesd-alsa0 but I don't recommend that. If you really need a sound
server, you should install PulseAudio which includes a compatibility
layer for ALSA applications. It is considered to make PulseAudio the
default sound system in GNOME, and we will probably follow upstream
moves on this matter.

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