On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 15:09:57 +0200
Steffen Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The EeePCs are sold throughout large resellers (Saturn, Staples, ...) in 
> Germany and at least until the new ones get out they all ship with
> Debian - perfectly visible to every potential customer passing by. I have not 
> seen Debian or Linux on any product before in these shops. So, I
> really think that for the perception of Debian (and Linux at large) it would 
> be good if there was some initiative that gives Debian on these
> machines some backup.

You are aware of http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEeePC I hope?  (Aha, I
see it has already been mentioned elsewhere in this thread, good.)

We take a very practical, bottom-up approach.  Get Debian working well
on one platform, the Eee PC.  Then make things as general as possible
and support it as quickly as possible in Debian itself.  I think if you
start top down: "let's tackle the problem of making Debian well
supported on this whole class of systems", a laudable goal, mind you,
then you will very quickly bog down in the execution unless you have
resources that go beyond what we currently have in the debian-eeepc

So what do you think you could do particularly with regards to the Eee
to see it on these systems in shops?  We've talked a bit to Asus and
they've even assigned some people to talk to Debian about development
for the Eee.  But I'm afraid so far our focus has been very much on
just getting Lenny out the door with solid support for the Eee and not
so much on these bigger-picture issues.

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