Steve Langasek <> writes:

> On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 09:02:05PM +0100, Matthew Johnson wrote:
>> I've also CC'd Hector and Steve who are listed as owners on that
>> document because whatever we do to get multiarch working (and I have no
>> strong views on the right way to do it) we should definitely not do it
>> differently to Ubuntu.
> Since there seems to be some confusion on this point, let me clarify that
> there is no proposal for Ubuntu to diverge from Debian in implementing
> multiarch.  A session on multiarch was held at UDS because it was
> convenient for a face-to-face discussion of *Debian* package management.
> Most of the people involved in the discussion were Debian developers,
> including both a dpkg comaintainer (Guillem) and an apt comaintainer
> (Michael).  While the specification resides in the Ubuntu wiki, I'm
> anticipating that the implementation will be driven directly in Debian
> first, thanks in large part to Guillem's interest.  And indeed, Ubuntu is
> largely at Guillem's mercy, since no one in Ubuntu has committed any
> resources to the dpkg implementation. :)
> We also have a follow-up round table scheduled at DebConf, to take this
> further:

Thanks for clarifying that. Didn't sound like that before.

Do you have any minutes of the meeting you could include in the
debian wiki?

It probably wouldn't hurt to put the proposal there too and update it
as more details are cleared up?


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