On Fri, 11 Jun 2010 06:01:27 +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:

> My 2nd suggestion is coming from the Maemo platform (the OS behind
> the Nokia n900 that is Debian based). In Maemo, there is a "devel"
> repository that includes apps that aren't necessarily in good shape. The
> users know that fact when they are adding the repository which contains
> packages that are not necessarily as tested, and wont complain.

I'm not sure I like this idea. Although I also sometimes install
"inoffical packages", when I look at the packages with RC bugs I'm
constantly suprised about the amount of low-quality packages we
already have in the archive (when poor lintian has to emit page after
page of errors and warnings ...).

I understand that this new archive area  would be "non-offical", but
still my fear is that users won't distinguish and those packages
would be considered as "Debian packages" and might have the risk of
shedding a bad light on Debian quality.

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