On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 18:54:32 +0200, Mehdi Dogguy wrote:

> You want a constantly usable testing, but are you working these days on
> fixing RC bugs affecting testing? Don't get me wrong. I'm not
> finger-printing. I didn't find time to do that myself. But, if we all try
> to do that, things will be much more simpler (welcome in "bisounours" world).

[Funny, I neither knew "bisounours" nor "care bears" nor
"Glücksbärchis" before :)]
> Last bits of the Release Team announced a perpetual 0-day NMU policy. I
> think that it's a good move to encourage contributors to fix more RC-bugs,
> even if we are not frozen (yet). I have the feeling that no-one read that
> announcement…

No worries, there are people who read it and appreciate it!

I'm also asking myself where the time that I used to spend on RC bugs
went; I guess in fixing bugs in unstable and helping with some
transitions in the perl group; that took and takes enough of my time

And I agree that fixing RC bugs not only during the freeze but
continually would be good.
(Nevertheless, I think that a CUT/rolling/whatever would be
attractive and is not directly tied to the idea of squashing bugs.)


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